
Welcome to #playwrightsPROPINGUPplaywrights, the ultimate platform for playwrights to connect, share, and support each other's work. Whether you're a seasoned playwright or just starting out, this is the place to be inspired, collaborate, and elevate each other's craft.


Message from a Playwright:

Hey there, playwrights! Are you looking for a place to connect with fellow writers, share your experiences, and get support? Well, I've got some great news for you! There are already some amazing platforms out there, like the New Play Exchange (NPX) and groups The Playwright Connection  Play Submissions & Completions on Facebook where you can showcase your work and connect with other playwrights.

But here's the thing: we're not trying to reinvent the wheel with #playwrightsPROPINGUPplaywrights. Instead, we want to create a space that complements these existing communities and brings everyone together in one place.

Think of #playwrightsPROPINGUPplaywrights as your favorite coffee shop, where playwrights from all different groups can gather to chat, share insights, and support each other. It's a place where you can talk about the craft of playwriting, get feedback on your work, and even find out about upcoming submission opportunities and casting calls.

But that's not all! We'll also be hosting weekly Zoom readings, classes, and casual hangouts where you can connect with other playwrights face-to-face (well, screen-to-screen). It's a chance to build relationships, learn from each other, and maybe even find your next collaborator.

So, while NPX and other platforms are invaluable resources for playwrights, #playwrightsPROPINGUPplaywrights is here to bring everyone together in a more personal way. It's a place where you can let your guard down, share your struggles and triumphs, and find the support you need to keep writing.

And the best part? You don't have to choose between #playwrightsPROPINGUPplaywrights and other communities. You can be a part of them all! We're just here to make your playwriting journey a little bit easier and a lot more fun.

So come on over to #playwrightsPROPINGUPplaywrights and join the conversation. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, there's a seat at the table for you. Let's grab a virtual coffee, talk shop, and Prop Up Playwrights together!

Tom Erb, Playwright

Join Our Community of Playwrights

Take the next step in propelling your playwriting career forward. Connect with like-minded individuals and take your craft to new heights.